Is very important to us and we comply to very strict rules from all the process of our business. starting from buying only skins of farmed animals. Sustainable use of wildlife benefits conservation, provides economic incentive to local communities, and save species from extinction. All our artisans work is in very controlled quality environment and we are always conscious of using recyclable goods when possible.
We use American alligator, Niloticus, Porosus, Python, Lizard and South African Ostrich skins. We use very small quantity of the same skins to provide our clients with very unique pieces. We are socially responsible in all aspects of the production and comply with the CITES regulations.

Sophie Bonvin is in charge of design. She transited from a career in finance to a career in the fashion industry. She has been a lover of fashion, craftmanship and art since a young age. In 2015 she chose to follow her dream and THE COLLECTOR was born. Sophie is a multicultural woman born in Switzerland, and lived and worked in Miami, Mexico, Lima and Singapore. Sophie believes that her designs have to be very pure and simple to enhance the uniqueness of the skins and colours selected. Her inspiration is from art, nature, and the materials that she can select.
Hom Le Xuan joined our team in August 2016 as a designer. Hom le Xuan is bicultural from Vietnam, raised up in Paris and spent a lot of time in Gstaad, Switzerland. A bespoke interior and landscape designer, rank among the top one hundred interior designer in the world. His affinity and visual sensitivity to nature’s plant and minerals have influenced his designs.

1 pl. des Bergues
1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel : +41 22 781 0800
sales@the collector.ch